BLOG // Roofing Prices
Roofing prices
Good news for homeowners! The cost for a roof replacement and roof repairs leveled off in 2024. During the previous five years, roofing costs skyrocketed. They literally went through the roof. Equipment, fuel, insurance, labor, lumber, roofing materials, and Worker's Compensation costs all increased substantially from 2019-2023.

Professional roof inspections
If you're not sure whether you need a new roof or repairs to your existing roof, consider getting an inspection from an experienced roofing contractor. Blackhawk Roofing offers free professional roof inspections for homeowners. We will identify potential problems and assess whether roof repair or roof replacement is indicated, to prevent bigger problems, and keep your family and home safe. No matter what type of damage your roof has suffered, our roof repair team is available in an emergency.
Get a roof inspection