Does your roof sag?

A sagging roof is a severe problem that must be addressed immediately. Several factors can cause older roofs to show signs of roof sag.

Residential and Commercial Roofing Projects
Blackhawk Roofing
November 6, 2023
by Dan Schnell

A sagging roof should be repaired or replaced immediately

Roof sagging is a severe problem that needs to be promptly addressed. Several factors cause a roofing system to sag, and it's essential to know about them to determine the right solution.

Old Age

When it comes to sagging roofs, age matters. Older roofing systems can start to sag as they reach the end of their lifespan, typically around 20-30 years. This sagging is caused by several factors: exposure to the elements can create wear and tear on the roof; regular maintenance may not be performed due to lack of knowledge or cost; and heavier rainstorms or snow can further damage an already weakened roof. So before you begin looking into ways to fix any sagging on your roof, consider when it was last inspected or replaced – if it’s been over 20 years since its original installation, then chances are that you’re dealing with a sagging roof due to age.

Design or Construction Flaws

A flaw in roof design or faulty construction can easily lead to sagging, even if your roof is still relatively new. This issue can be caused by the manufacturer when constructing the roof or due to improper installation completed by a roofing contractor. This highlights the importance of hiring a skilled, reputable company that offers high-end roofing products to ensure optimal performance and quality workmanship regardless of the project scope. A flaw design roof can cause permanent damage to your property and its content therefore it is highly advisable that you choose only qualified individuals who have a good track record of completing successful projects using premium materials.


Every roof needs to be able to support the weight of its materials and any environmental weight, such as snow or heavy rain. Unfortunately, too much weight can cause sagging, especially if your roofing system has been tampered with or installed by an inexperienced roofer. A typical example of this is when several layers of shingles are added instead of a single layer. The excessive weight can damage the structural integrity of your roof, leaving you with an unsafe system that should be inspected and addressed quickly by a professional roofer. At Blackhawk Roofing, we understand the weight issues associated with roofs and offer free inspections to ensure that your roof doesn't have any weight-induced damage like sagging. So don't hesitate – contact us right away and let our experts check out your system!

A sagging roof should be replaced immediately.

Blackhawk Roofing has built replacement roofs for thousands of residential and commercial customers in Springfield and Central Illinois. We've also done many hundreds of roof repairs. Blackhawk Roofing provides outstanding value on every project. Call owner Dan Schnell at 217-741-6251 to request a Free Estimate.

Licensed Roofing Contractor

Blackhawk Roofing is a licensed, certified, and insured roofing contractor. We specialize in residential roofing and EPDM commercial roofing. We have repaired or replaced thousands of old and damaged roofs in Springfield and Central Illinois.

Proud to be the best roofing contractor in Springfield